Welcome to my website!
안녕하세요, 한겨레 입니다. 제 웹사이트에 오신 걸 환영합니다 ! (Korean greeting :))

I am currently a postdoctoral research associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)
working with Dr. Matthew Hoffman and Dr. Xylar Asay-Davis. I finished my PhD at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) in Earth and Planetary Sciences with Dr. Natalya Gomez.
My research is centred around understanding interactions between ice sheet, sea level and the solid Earth over a range of timescales. During my PhD, I focused on how Northern Hemispheric Ice Sheet (NHIS )evolved in response to climate change during the last glacial cycle, and how solid Earth deformation and gravitational field perturbation influenced the evolution of the NHIS. I have also worked on developing an algorithm that allows coupled ice sheet-sea level model to efficiently and accurately capture the each model's feedback on another during long-term simulations over hundreds of thousands of years.
Taking my interest in the physics of ice-sheet&sea-level changes as well as the Earth's historical time forward, my postdoc research now at LANL focuses on the Antarctic Ice Sheet contribution to future sea-level change. I am developing capability in the US Department of Energy's Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) of predicting regionally varying sea-level changes under collapse of polar ice sheets. A bigger-picture motivation of this work is to better constrain ice sheet and sea-level projections in the changing climate.
Other than being a scientist, I am also a traveller and an athlete. I am open to exploring any physical and mental space if allowed. I seek to experience a range of settings in which I can learn about the Earth, nature, others and myself. You can reach out to me to discuss science, but also any sort of adventures, sports, or even life philosophy!
Contact Information:
Holly Han
email: [email protected]
twitter: hollyhan2015
Postdoctoral Research Associate (since August, 2021).
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.
Theoretical Division (T-3), Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics Group.
working with Dr. Matthew Hoffman and Dr. Xylar Asay-Davis. I finished my PhD at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) in Earth and Planetary Sciences with Dr. Natalya Gomez.
My research is centred around understanding interactions between ice sheet, sea level and the solid Earth over a range of timescales. During my PhD, I focused on how Northern Hemispheric Ice Sheet (NHIS )evolved in response to climate change during the last glacial cycle, and how solid Earth deformation and gravitational field perturbation influenced the evolution of the NHIS. I have also worked on developing an algorithm that allows coupled ice sheet-sea level model to efficiently and accurately capture the each model's feedback on another during long-term simulations over hundreds of thousands of years.
Taking my interest in the physics of ice-sheet&sea-level changes as well as the Earth's historical time forward, my postdoc research now at LANL focuses on the Antarctic Ice Sheet contribution to future sea-level change. I am developing capability in the US Department of Energy's Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) of predicting regionally varying sea-level changes under collapse of polar ice sheets. A bigger-picture motivation of this work is to better constrain ice sheet and sea-level projections in the changing climate.
Other than being a scientist, I am also a traveller and an athlete. I am open to exploring any physical and mental space if allowed. I seek to experience a range of settings in which I can learn about the Earth, nature, others and myself. You can reach out to me to discuss science, but also any sort of adventures, sports, or even life philosophy!
Contact Information:
Holly Han
email: [email protected]
twitter: hollyhan2015
Postdoctoral Research Associate (since August, 2021).
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.
Theoretical Division (T-3), Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics Group.
News and Updates
May, 2022: I will be joining as a science instructor for Girls on Ice Canada - Kootenay Expedition in August, a program organized by Inspiring Girls Expeditions! I'm so excited to join this amazing group of professional women scientists, artists and mountain guides to explore glacier and nature with teenage girls and inspire them to find their path in their lives!
August 9th, 2021: I officially started my postdoc at LANL! I am PUMPED to start this new life and scientific journey.
June 28th - August 5th, 2021: I had an amazing bike (bicycle) trip as part of my move from Canada to the US! During the 6-weeks/3200 km-long bike journey Montreal from Tulsa, I got to see places and people across North America, explore nature and myself. It was an amazing (and most appropriate, I think) way to say goodbye to Canada, the place I spent 16 years as a student, my second home after South Korea. I kept my travel log in both paper and electronic versions. You are welcome to check my slides here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hrb2kbo5a3ifpwh/Bike%20Tour%20log.pdf?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR1TYM7iLOMEb12lYHV-SlKomLBX5GkEm_BVv-SXovCKwJ6u08b152oCNbo or a video blog here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBUfAUakJqI
June 24th, 2021: I have defended my PhD thesis on "modelling and physics of ice-age ice sheet-sea level-solid Earth interactions". Thank you, Natalya and thank you, McGill. I will miss you so much.
March 8th, 2021: Happy International Women's Day! I have been interviewed by EGU climate blogs about my personal journey in science and academia. Check it out at this link!: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cl/2021/03/08/life-of-a-climate-scientist-presents-holly-kyeore-han/?fbclid=IwAR3Ze1P1VeE_QOIDIgpQNU14rGCkgxZWFRN1LJy85YwGF6k-_hPSXFVibQ8
January 2021: Happy New Year! It has been decided that I will be heading to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) this summer as a postdoc! I am so excited what my scientific and life journey will bring to me in the next two years! :)
December 2019: I gave a talk at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting in San Francisco.
September 2019: I attended the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Workshop in Ottawa and presented my work there!
July 2019: I attended the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) meeting in Montreal and the congress of International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) in Dublin, Ireland, and gave talks titled "Modelling Northern Hemispheric Ice Sheet Dynamics, solid Earth deformation and sea level change during the last glacial cycle".
December 2018: I attended the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting in Washington D.C. and presented my research poster "Modeling Short-term Ice sheet-Sea level-Solid Earth Interactions within a Glacial-cycle Timescale Simulation".
September 2018: The paper "Estimating Modern Elevations of Pliocene Shorelines Using a
Coupled Ice Sheet-Earth-Sea Level Model" authored by David Pollard, Natalya Gomez, Rob DeConto and myself came out! It can be found here! agupubs-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.proxy3.library.mcgill.ca/doi/10.1029/2018JF004745
September 2018: I attended Advanced Climate Dynamics Course (ACDC) 2018 summer school (Sept.17-28th) on hemispheric asymmetry in climate in Norway! I had such an amazing learning and networking experience there. Thank you, ACDC!
April 2018: I visited the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the department of Geosciences where my advisor Natalya Gomez gave a departmental seminar on ice sheet - sea level - solid Earth interactions in Antarctica. During the visit, I connected with Dave Pollard (Penn State University) and Rob DeConto and graduate students from UMass. Great science and great people!
March 2018: Our paper titled "The impact of water loading on postglacial decay times in Hudson Bay" came out in EPSL. The paper can be found here!
December 2017: Graduate students from the Gomez group (Anna Hayden, Dave Purnell and I) attended the Arctic Change 2017 conference in Quebec city, QC, Canada
August 9th, 2021: I officially started my postdoc at LANL! I am PUMPED to start this new life and scientific journey.
June 28th - August 5th, 2021: I had an amazing bike (bicycle) trip as part of my move from Canada to the US! During the 6-weeks/3200 km-long bike journey Montreal from Tulsa, I got to see places and people across North America, explore nature and myself. It was an amazing (and most appropriate, I think) way to say goodbye to Canada, the place I spent 16 years as a student, my second home after South Korea. I kept my travel log in both paper and electronic versions. You are welcome to check my slides here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hrb2kbo5a3ifpwh/Bike%20Tour%20log.pdf?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR1TYM7iLOMEb12lYHV-SlKomLBX5GkEm_BVv-SXovCKwJ6u08b152oCNbo or a video blog here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBUfAUakJqI
June 24th, 2021: I have defended my PhD thesis on "modelling and physics of ice-age ice sheet-sea level-solid Earth interactions". Thank you, Natalya and thank you, McGill. I will miss you so much.
March 8th, 2021: Happy International Women's Day! I have been interviewed by EGU climate blogs about my personal journey in science and academia. Check it out at this link!: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cl/2021/03/08/life-of-a-climate-scientist-presents-holly-kyeore-han/?fbclid=IwAR3Ze1P1VeE_QOIDIgpQNU14rGCkgxZWFRN1LJy85YwGF6k-_hPSXFVibQ8
January 2021: Happy New Year! It has been decided that I will be heading to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) this summer as a postdoc! I am so excited what my scientific and life journey will bring to me in the next two years! :)
December 2019: I gave a talk at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting in San Francisco.
September 2019: I attended the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Workshop in Ottawa and presented my work there!
July 2019: I attended the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) meeting in Montreal and the congress of International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) in Dublin, Ireland, and gave talks titled "Modelling Northern Hemispheric Ice Sheet Dynamics, solid Earth deformation and sea level change during the last glacial cycle".
December 2018: I attended the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting in Washington D.C. and presented my research poster "Modeling Short-term Ice sheet-Sea level-Solid Earth Interactions within a Glacial-cycle Timescale Simulation".
September 2018: The paper "Estimating Modern Elevations of Pliocene Shorelines Using a
Coupled Ice Sheet-Earth-Sea Level Model" authored by David Pollard, Natalya Gomez, Rob DeConto and myself came out! It can be found here! agupubs-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.proxy3.library.mcgill.ca/doi/10.1029/2018JF004745
September 2018: I attended Advanced Climate Dynamics Course (ACDC) 2018 summer school (Sept.17-28th) on hemispheric asymmetry in climate in Norway! I had such an amazing learning and networking experience there. Thank you, ACDC!
April 2018: I visited the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the department of Geosciences where my advisor Natalya Gomez gave a departmental seminar on ice sheet - sea level - solid Earth interactions in Antarctica. During the visit, I connected with Dave Pollard (Penn State University) and Rob DeConto and graduate students from UMass. Great science and great people!
March 2018: Our paper titled "The impact of water loading on postglacial decay times in Hudson Bay" came out in EPSL. The paper can be found here!
December 2017: Graduate students from the Gomez group (Anna Hayden, Dave Purnell and I) attended the Arctic Change 2017 conference in Quebec city, QC, Canada